This device consists of two independent low power voltage comparators designed specifically to operate from a single supply over a wide range of voltages. Operation from split power supplies is also possible.
●These comparators also have a unique characteristic in that the input common-mode voltage range includes ground even though operated from a single power supply voltage.
●Key Features
● Wide single supply voltage range or dual supplies 2 V to 36 V or ±1 V to ±18 V
● Very low supply current (0.4 mA) independent of supply voltage (1 mW/comparator at 5 V)
● Low input bias current: 25 nA typ.
● Low input offset current: ±5 nA typ.
● Input common-mode voltage range includes ground
● Low output saturation voltage: 250 mV typ. (IO = 4 mA)
● Differential input voltage range equal to the supply voltage
● TTL, DTL, ECL, MOS, CMOS compatible outputs