The LDC1612DNTT is a 2-channel 28-bit Inductance to Digital converter (LDCs) for inductive sensing solutions. With multiple channels and support for remote sensing, the device enables the performance and reliability benefits of inductive sensing to be realized. The products are easy to use, only requiring that the sensor frequency be within 1kHz and 10MHz to begin sensing. The wide 1kHz to 10MHz sensor frequency range also enables use of very small PCB coils. The high resolution channels allow for a much larger sensing range, maintaining good performance allow for differential and ratiometric measurements, which enable designers to use one channel to compensate their sensing for environmental and aging conditions such as temperature, humidity and mechanical drift.
● Easy-to-use - minimal configuration required
● Measure up to 4 sensors with one IC
● Multiple channels support environmental and aging compensation
● 35µA Sleep mode power consumption
● 200nA Shutdown mode power consumption
● Support internal or external reference clock
● Immune to DC magnetic fields and magnets
● Sensing range beyond two coil diameters