Part Datasheet Search > Schottky Diodes > Infineon > IDP30E120 Datasheet PDF
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IDP30E120 Specifications

IDP30E120 Size & Package

IDP30E120 Documents

8 Pages / 0.64 MByte

IDP30 Documents

Small Signal Diode, Single, 1.2kV, 50A, 2.15V, 102A
Diode Switching 600V 52.3A 2Pin TO-220 Tube
INFINEON IDP30E120XKSA1 Small Signal Diode, Single, 1.2kV, 50A, 2.15V, 102A
Diode Switching 600V 52.3A 2Pin TO-220 Tube
INFINEON IDP30E65D1XKSA1 Standard Power Diode, 650V, 60A, Single, 1.7V, 64ns, 180A New
Diode Switching 650V 30A 3Pin TO-220 Tube
The Rapid 2 diode family is designed for applications switching between 40kHz and 100kHz by offering low reverse recovery charge (Q rr) and time (t rr) to minimize the reverse conduction times attributed to the power switch turn-on losses and thus providing maximum efficiency.
Diode Switching 650V 60A 2Pin TO-220 Tube
Rapid 1 and Rapid 2 power silicon diodes fill the gap between the SiC diodes and emitter-controlled diodes and now come in common cathode configuration with up to 80A/650V, allowing design optimization for more compact dimensions, easier assembly and consequently lower costs.
Infineon`s Rapid 1 diode family, with 1.35V temperature-stable forward voltage (V F), ensures the lowest conduction losses and by means of soft recovery keeps EMI emissions to a minimum. The devices are perfectly suited for Power Factor Correction (PFC) topologies, typically found in major home appliances such as air conditioners and washing machines.
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