Reverse bias is an increasingly common fault event that may be generated by user error, improperly installed batteries, automotive environments, erroneous connections to third-party chargers, negative “hot plug” transients, inductive transients, and readily available negatively biased rouge USB chargers.Fairchild circuit protection is proud to offer a new type of reverse bias protection devices. The FR devices are low resistance, series switches that, in the event of a reverse bias condition, shut off power and block the negative voltage to help protect downstream circuits.The FR devices are optimized for the application to offer best in class reverse bias protection and voltage capabilities while minimizing size, series voltage drop, and normal operating power consumption.In the event of a reverse bias application, FR014H5JZ devices effectively provide a full voltage block and can easily protect -0.3V rated silicon.From a power perspective, in normal bias, a 14mΩ FR device in a 1.5A application will generate only 21mV of voltage drop or 32mW of power loss. In reverse bias, FR devices dissipate less then 20μW in a 16V reverse bias event. This type of performance is not possible with a diode solution.Benefits extend beyond the device. Due to low power dissipation, not only is the device small, but heat sinking requirements and cost can be minimized as well.
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● Up to -30V Reverse-Bias Protection
● Nano Seconds of Reverse-Bias Blocking Response Time
● +32V 24-Hour “Withstand” Rating
● 14mΩ Typical Series Resistance at 5V
● Integrated TVS Over Voltage Suppression
● MLP 3.3x3.3 Package Size
● RoHs Compliant
● USB Tested and Compatible