The FAN7384MX is an input logic compatible Half-bridge Gate-Drive with fixed dead-time and OCP/shutdown protection. It is a monolithic half-bridge gate-drive IC designed for high voltage, high speed driving MOSFETs and IGBTs operating up to 600V. Its high-voltage process and common-mode noise cancelling technique provide stable operation of high-side drivers under high-dv/dt noise circumstances. An advanced level-shift circuit allows high-side gate driver operation up to VS=-9.8V typical for VBS=15V. The UVLO circuits prevent malfunction when VDD and VBS are lower than the specified threshold voltage. Output driver typically source/sink 250/500mA, respectively, which is suitable for half-bridge and full-bridge applications in motor drive systems.
● Matched propagation delay below 50ns
● Output in-phase with input signal
● Built-in shoot-through prevention logic
● Built-in UVLO functions for both channels
● Built-in cycle-by-cycle shutdown function
● Built-in soft-OFF function
● Built-in bi-directional fault function
● Built-in short-circuit protection function