PAN1720/21 Bluetooth low energy single-mode module has been specially developed for applications which communicate with dual or single mode Bluetooth low energy devices like mobile phones, PDA´s, Laptops etc. It is very easy to expand your personal area network with this module, using existing gateways. The included Bluetooth low energy stack is currently supporting the proximity and battery profile. The user specific application can be written on top of the Bluetooth Stack. The communication between stack and application is handled via vendor specific HCI-commands. The PAN1720(21)-Module is manufactured in a very small 15.6 x 8.7 x 1.9 mm³ SMD package with shielded case and will be qualified according to the Bluetooth 4.0 standard.
● Complete Bluetooth low energy solution (Bluetooth 4.0)
● Supported Profiles: Proximity and Battery profiles
● Low power 8051 C included
● Up to 256k Flash and 8k RAM
● Data rates up to 1 Mbps
● IR Generation Circuitry
● AES Security Coprocessor
● Dimension and Footprint compatible to PAN1320/21