The DS2782E+ is a stand-alone Fuel Gauge IC features absolute and relative capacity estimated from coulomb count, discharge rate, temperature and battery cell characteristics. The DS2782 measures voltage, temperature, current and estimates available capacity for rechargeable lithium ion and Lithium-ion polymer batteries. Cell characteristics and application parameters used in the calculations are stored in on-chip EEPROM. The available capacity registers report a conservative estimate of the amount of charge that can be removed given the current temperature, discharge rate, stored charge and application parameters. Capacity estimation reported in mAh remaining and percentage of full.
● Accurate stable internal time base
● Accurate warning of low battery conditions
● Automatic backup of coulomb count and age estimation to non-volatile (NV) EEPROM
● Gain and tempco calibration allows the use of low-cost sense resistors
● 24-byte user EEPROM or 16-byte user EEPROM and unique 64-bit ID
● Industry 2-wire interface with programmable slave address
●ESD sensitive device, take proper precaution while handling the device.