The DM330022 is a dsPICDEM MCSM development board targeted to control both unipolar and bipolar stepper motors in open loop or close loop (current control) mode. The hardware is designed in such a way that no hardware changes are necessary for 8 wire, 6 wire or 4 wire stepper motors in either bipolar or unipolar configurations. Software to run motors in open loop or closed loop with full or variable micro stepping is provided. A GUI for controlling step commands, motor parameter input, and operation modes is included. This flexible and cost effective board can be configured in different ways for use with specialized dsPIC33F motor control digital signal controllers (DSCs). The dsPICDEM MCSM development board offers a mounting option to connect either a 28 pin SOIC device or a generic 100 pin Plug-In Module. A dsPIC33FJ43MC204 DSC PIM (MA330017) is included. The development board supports terminal voltages up to 80V and currents up to 3A.
● Motor control interface
● Over current protection
● Two full bridge inverters
● Built in power supplies
● Auxiliary power tab fast on connectors
● Featured with dsPIC33FJ12MC202 motor control device
● LED indicators for PWM outputs arranged in a full bridge format
● UART communication via USB
● ICSP connector for programming a dsPIC DSC device