The DC1757A is a demonstration circuit featuring LTC3789EGN controller. The LTC3789EGN is a high performance buck boost switching regulator controller, it can supply a 12A maximum load current with a 12V output. The constant frequency current mode architecture allows a phase lockable frequency of up to 600KHz, while an optional output current feedback loop provides support for applications such as battery charging. With a wide input range, wide output range and seamless transfers between operation modes, the LTC3789EGN is ideal for many applications. The light load operation mode of the converter is determined with the MODE/PLLIN pin. Use JP2 jumper to select pulse skipping mode or forced continuous mode operation. The switching frequency is preset at about 200KHz. The converter can also be externally synchronized to an external clock through the MODE/PLLIN pin. To shut down the converter, force the RUN pin below 1.2V.
● 97.9% efficiency
● Single inductor architecture allows VIN above, below or equal to the regulated VOUT
● Programmable input or output current
● Synchronous rectification
● Current mode control
● No reverse current during start up
● Power good output voltage monitor
● Quad N channel MOSFET synchronous drive
● VOUT disconnected from VIN during shutdown
● True soft start and VOUT short protection, even in boost mode