The BGM111A256V1 is a Blue Gecko Bluetooth Module targeted for smart applications where good RF performance, low power consumption and easy application development are key requirements. At +8dBm TX power BGM111 has best-in-class RF performance and can provide long range, robust Bluetooth smart connectivity. It integrates all of the necessary elements required for a Bluetooth smart application, Bluetooth radio, software stack and GATT based profiles and it can also host end user applications, which means no external microcontroller is required in size or power constrained devices. The Bluetooth smart module also has highly flexible hardware interfaces to connect to different peripherals or sensors. Although the Bluetooth smart module is targeted at applications requiring high RF performance, it still has ultra-low power consumption and can be operated using a standard 3V coin cell battery.
● Bluetooth 4.1 compliant (Bluetooth Smart)
● Software upgradable to Bluetooth 4.2
● Up to +8dBm TX power
● Down to -93dBm RX sensitivity
● Range up to 200m
● 32-bit ARM® Cortex-M4 CPU core
● 256kB Flash memory
● 32kB RAM
● Autonomous hardware crypto accelerator and true random number generator
● Integrated DC-DC converter