The AT91M40800-33AU is a 32-bit CMOS Microcontroller based on the ARM7TDMI processor core. This processor has a high-performance 32-bit RISC architecture with a high-density 16-bit instruction set and very low power consumption. In addition, a large number of internally banked registers result in very fast exception handling, making the device ideal for real-time control applications. The AT91M40800 microcontroller features a direct connection to off-chip memory, including flash, through the fully-programmable external bus interface (EBI). An eight-level priority vectored interrupt controller, in conjunction with the peripheral data controller, significantly improves the real-time performance of the device.
● Incorporates the ARM7TDMI ARM Thumb processor
● High-performance 32-bit RISC architecture
● High-density 16-bit instruction set
● Leader in MIPS/Watt
● EmbeddedICE™ (In-circuit emulation)
● 8kB On-chip SRAM
● Fully-programmable external bus interface (EBI)
● 8-level Priority, individually maskable, vectored interrupt controller
● 3-channel 16-bit Timer/counter
● 2 USARTs
● Programmable watchdog timer
● Advanced power-saving - CPU and peripheral can be deactivated individually
● Fully static operation - 0 to 40MHz internal frequency range at 3.0V, 85°C