●The 87C196KC 16-bit microcontroller is a high-performance member of the MCSÉ96 microcontroller family.
●The 87C196KC is an enhanced 8XC196KB device with 488 bytes RAM, 16 MHz operation and 16 Kbytes of
●on-chip EPROM. Intel"s CHMOS process provides a high performance processor along with low power con
●-40OC to +125OC
●16 Kbytes of On-Chip EPROM
●232 Byte Register File
●256 Bytes of Additional RAM
●Register-to-Register Architecture
●28 Interrupt Sources/16 Vectors
●Peripheral Transaction Server
●1.75ms 16 x 16 Multiply (16 MHz)
●3.0ms 32/16 Divide (16 MHz)
●Powerdown and Idle Modes
●Five 8-Bit I/O Ports
●16-Bit Watchdog Timer
●Dynamically Configurable 8-Bit or
●16-Bit Buswidth
●Full Duplex Serial Port
●High-Speed I/O Subsystem
●16-Bit Timer
●16-Bit Up/Down Counter with Capture
●3 Pulse-Width-Modulated Outputs
●Four 16-Bit Software Timers
●8- or 10-Bit 8-Channel A/D Converter with Sample/Hold
●HOLD/HLDABus Protocol
●OTP One-Time Programmable and QROM Versions
●Available in 12 MHz and 16 MHz Versions
●16 MHz Operation