The ADS1282IPW is an Analog-to-digital Converter (ADC) with an integrated, low-noise programmable gain amplifier (PGA) and two-channel input multiplexer (mux). An extremely high-performance single-chip ADC is suitable for the demanding needs of energy exploration and seismic monitoring environments. The converter uses a fourth-order, inherently stable, delta-sigma (ΔΣ) modulator that provides outstanding noise and linearity performance. The modulator is used either in conjunction with the on-chip digital filter or can be bypassed for use with post processing filters. The flexible input MUX provides an additional external input for measurement, as well as internal self-test connections. The PGA features outstanding low noise and high input impedance, allowing easy interfacing to geophones and hydrophones over a wide range of gains. The digital filter provides selectable data rates from 250 to 4000SPS. The high-pass filter (HPF) features an adjustable corner frequency.
● On-chip gain and offset scaling registers support system calibration
● Low-noise PGA
● 2-channel input mux
● Inherently-stable modulator with fast responding overrange detection
● Flexible digital filter
● Linear or minimum phase response
● Programmable high-pass filter
● Filter bypass
● Offset and gain calibration engine
● SYNC input
● Green product and no Sb/Br