The ADS1148IPW is a 16-bit Analog-to-digital Converter (ADC) features an on board, low-noise, programmable gain amplifier (PGA), a precision delta-sigma ADC with a single-cycle settling digital filter and an internal oscillator. The highly-integrated precision ADC also provide a built-in voltage reference with 10mA output capacity and two matched programmable current digital-to-analog converters (DACs). The ADC provides a complete front-end solution for temperature sensor applications including thermal couples, thermistors and resistance temperature detectors (RTDs). An input multiplexer supports two differentials for the ADC. The on board, low-noise PGA provides selectable gains of 1 to 128. The delta-sigma modulator and adjustable digital filter settle in only one cycle for fast channel cycling when using the input multiplexer and support data rates up to 2kSPS. For data rates of 20SPS or less, both 50 and 60Hz interference are rejected by the filter.
● Single-cycle settling for all data rates
● Matched current source DACs
● Internal voltage reference
● Sensor burnout detection
● Internal temperature sensor
● Self and system calibration
● SPI™ compatible serial interface
● Green product and no Sb/Br