●The ADE7816is a highly accurate, multichannel metering device that is capable of measuring one voltage channel and up to six current channels. It measures line voltage and current and calculates active and reactive energy, as well as instantaneous rms voltage and current.
●Measures active and reactive energy, sampled waveforms, and current and voltage rms
●6 current input channels and 1 voltage channel
●<0.1% error in active and reactive energy over a dynamic range of 1000:1
●Supports current transformer and Rogowski coil sensors
●Provides instantaneous current and voltage readings
●Angle measurements on all 6 channels
●2 kHz bandwidth operation
●Reference: 1.2 V (drift 10 ppm/°C typical) with external overdrive capability
●Flexible I2C, SPI, and HSDC serial interfaces