Product Details
●The AD8192 is a complete HDMI™/DVI link switch featuring equalized TMDS inputs and pre-emphasized TMDS outputs ideal for systems with long cable runs. The TMDS outputs can be set to a high impedance state to reduce the power dissipation and/or allow the construction of larger arrays using the wire-OR technique. The AD8192 includes bidirectional buffering for the DDC bus and CEC line, with integrated pull-up resistors for the CEC line. The AD8192 is available in a space-saving, 56-lead LFCSP surface-mount, lead-free plastic package specified to operate over the −40°C to +85°C temperature range.
●Product Highlights
● 1. Fully HDMI 1.3a transmit and receive compliant.
● 2. Supports data rates up to 2.25 Gbps, enabling greater than 1080p HDMI formats with deep color (12-bit) and UXGA (1600 × 1200) DVI resolutions.
● 3. Input cable equalizer enables use of long cables; more than 20 m (24 AWG) at data rates up to 2.25 Gbps.
● 4. Auxiliary switch isolates and buffers the DDC bus and the CEC line, improving total system capacitance limit.
● 5. Hot plug detect (HPD) signal is pulsed low on link switch.
● 6. Manually or automatically switched input terminations.
● Front panel buffer for advanced television (HDTV) sets
● Standalone HDMI switcher
● Multiple input displays
● Projectors
● A/V receivers
● Set-top boxes
●Data Sheet, Rev. 0, 5/08
●### Features and Benefits
● 2 inputs, 1 output HDMI/DVI links
● HDMI 1.3 receive & transmit compliant
● Four TMDS channels per link:
●Supports 250 Mbps - 2.25 Gbps data rates and beyond
●Supports 25 MHz - 225 MHz pixel clocks and beyond
●Fully buffered unidirectional inputs/outputs
●Globally-switchable 50 Ω on-chip terminations
● Equalized inputs and pre-emphasized outputs
●Fully flexible input/output mapping
●Input terminations disabled for unselected inputs
● Three auxiliary channels per link:
●Buffered and switched DDC bus (SDA and SCL)
●DDC bus logic level translation (3.3 V, 5 V)
●Buffered CEC bus with integrated pull-up resistors (27 kΩ)
●Hot plug detect pulse low on channel switch
● Input/output capacitance isolation
● Output disable feature:
●Reduced power dissipation
●Output termination removal on TMDS channels
● Single-supply operation (3.3 V)
● Standards compatible: DVI, HDMI 1.3, HDCP, CEC
● Serial (I2C slave) control interface
● 56-pin 8 mm × 8 mm LFCSP Pb-free package