The AD8137YRZ is a Low Power Differential ADC Driver with a rail-to-rail output that is ideal for driving ADCs in systems that are sensitive to power. It is easy to apply and its internal common-mode feedback architecture allows its output common-mode voltage to be controlled by the voltage applied to one pin. The internal feedback loop also provides inherently balanced outputs as well as suppression of even-order harmonic distortion products. Fully differential and single-ended-to-differential gain configurations are easily realized by the AD8137. External feedback networks consisting of four resistors determine the closed-loop gain of the amplifier. The power-down feature is beneficial in critical low power applications. This ADC driver is manufactured on proprietary second-generation XFCB process, enabling it to achieve high levels of performance with very low power consumption.
● High speed
● Extremely low power with power-down feature
● 2.6mA Quiescent supply current at 5V
● 450µA in power-down mode at 5V
● 12-bit SFDR performance at 500kHz
● 100ns to 0.02% fast settling time
● ±2.6mV Maximum low input offset voltage
● 0.45µA Maximum low input offset current
● Differential-to-differential or single-ended-to-differential operation
● Adjustable output common-mode voltage
● Externally adjustable gain
●ESD sensitive device, take proper precaution while handling the device.