The AD607 series 3V Low Power Mixer/AGC/RSSI Receiver IF Subsystem for operation at input frequencies as high as 500MHz and IFs from 400kHz to 12MHz. It consists of a mixer, IF amplifiers, I and Q demodulators, a phase-locked quadrature oscillator, AGC detector and a biasing system with external power-down. Applications of the AD607 include narrowband systems with a high first IF (21.4 to 300MHz) and a second IF at 10.7MHz, 455 or 450kHz. These include dual conversion IS136, GSM, TETRA, MSAT receivers and single or dual conversion VHF and HF AM, SSB, CW or QPSK receivers.
● Complete receiver-on-a-chip - Monoceiver® mixer
● 15dBm 1dB Compression point
● 8dBm Input third order intercept
● 500MHz RF and LO bandwidths
● Linear IF amplifier - linear-in-dB gain control
● Linear IF amplifier - manual gain control
● On-board phase-locked quadrature oscillator
● Low power - 25mW at 3V
● Low power - CMOS compatible power-down
● Interfaces to AD7013 and AD7015 baseband converters