The AD5259BRMZ10 is a 256-position I²C Compatible Non-volatile Digital Potentiometer that performs the same electronic adjustment function as mechanical potentiometers, trimmers and variable resistors, but with enhanced resolution and solid-state reliability. The wiper settings are controllable through an I²C-compatible digital interface that is also used to read back the wiper register and EEPROM content. Resistor tolerance is also stored within EEPROM, providing an end-to-end tolerance accuracy of 0.1%. A separate VLOGIC pin delivers increased interface flexibility. For users who need multiple parts on one bus, Address Bit AD0 and Address Bit AD1 allow up to four devices on the same bus. Typical device-to-device matching is process lot dependent and may vary by up to ±30%. For this reason, resistance tolerance is stored in the EEPROM, enabling the user to know the actual RAB within 0.1%.
● Non-volatile memory maintains wiper settings
● VLOGIC pin provides increased interface flexibility
● Resistance tolerance stored in EEPROM (0.1% accuracy)
● <1ms Power-on EEPROM refresh time
● Software write protect command
● 100 years Typical data retention
●ESD sensitive device, take proper precaution while handling the device.