●The A3212 integrated circuit is an ultra-sensitive, pole in de pendent Hall effect switch with a latched digital output. This sensor is es pe cial ly suited for operation in battery-operated, hand-held equip ment such as cellular and cordless tele phones, pagers, and palmtop com put ers. A 2.5 volt to 3.5 volt operation and a unique clocking scheme reduce the average operat ing power requirements to less than 15 µW with a 2.75 volt supply.
●■ Micropower Operation
●■ Operation with North orSouth Pole
●■ 2.5 V to 3.5 V Battery Operation
●■ Chopper Stabilized
● Superior Temperature Stability
● Extremely Low Switch-Point Drift
● Insensitive to Physical Stress
●■ ESD Protected to 5 kV
●■ Sol id-State Reliability
●■ Small Size
●■Easily Manufacturable with Magnet Pole Independence